The Beauty of Color Drained

The colors are turning over quickly here in the Rocky Mountains. Drought conditions have stressed the trees so their gorgeous display of fiery reds and oranges, bright yellows and deep burgandys are here but for a few days. Left behind are fantastic forms … thin delicate branches, finely textured tree trunks, and a forest floor with every shade of brown laid in waves from pale tan to deep near-blacks. And among this are the most interesting pods, drying flowers, and dried buds. These end stages of the flora are drained of color as we near winter, but they are not drained of the beauty of their form.



Here is such an example of form reigning over color. Ionela Zanoaga takes simple pale polymer forms, a little texture and combines them with some fairly unassuming copper findings. And it’s stunning.

Stripped of all that could be distracting, we see the lines, form and the beauty inherent in even the final stages of nature’s cycle and an artist’s unobtrusive vision.


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