Should there be a Central Polymer Educational Resource?

The polymer community has a wealth of information available through numerous channels but what we don’t have is a definitive source for the many skills, techniques, and terms that a polymer artist would want to become familiar with in order to grow and succeed in their art. With much of the information available being based on individual experiences it can be confusing to newer artists looking for a ‘right way’. Because of this the question has arisen, “Do we need a central resource with definitive information for our medium?”

At the upcoming Synergy 3 conference Maggie Maggio and I will lead a discussion on this topic to find out what the community would like to see and how viable the idea is. We’ll plan to discuss the possible goals for a central Polymer Art resource that focuses on the education of artists, confirming best approaches & practices, and centralizing information. We’ll also try to determine how such a resource could be built, maintained and funded.

Since many of you will not be able to attend Synergy or the workshop even if there, we wanted to get your opinion and give you a voice that we can take to the discussion. To this end we’ve created a short survey. Take just a moment to add your voice to the conversation: Central Polymer Resource Survey

And since I can’t leave you without something to potentially oh and ah over, here is one of Maggie’s newer pieces.



Maggie is exploring the structural capabilities of polymer, which considering her architectural materials background, would seem a natural direction for her.  In her words: “I am searching for ways to take advantage of the inherent strengths of polymer clay — its malleability, flexibility, lightness, and unlimited color palette. I am currently exploring forms inspired by the structural skeletons of plants and animals and playing with pieces that wrap the neck and arms. I am using polymer alone.” She’ll be presenting her structural polymer ideas at Synergy next week as well.

I’ll be reporting on our activities from Synergy next week, but in the meantime I hope you fill out the survey and have your voice heard.


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