Pieces on Fire
Bringing disparate pieces together to make something interesting and alluring is not an easy thing, even for the experienced. Although I talk about design in very specific terms and point out “what an artist did here”, the truth is, very few of us are consciously aware of all the particular design decisions we’ve made. It is, most of the time, quite an intuitive process which lends itself well to creating from many different elements but it makes it hard to define what is working and what isn’t if you don’t have that design language in your head.
The piece here, a necklace by India’s Rashi Verman is an example of using a lot of disparate parts but bringing them together so they look related. The color scheme of black and red help build that relationship as does the regular, almost-a-rectangle type shapes. But the really uniting elements is the level of exploration that is evident. I didn’t think each piece of the necklace was planned nor was the variety of techniques. This had to be a very intuitive piece. It teeters on chaos but Rashi pulls back just before going over that edge.
For more of her explorations, see her Facebook page or Flickr photostream.
Right now I must get back to putting all the pieces of my studio together. I had all the boxes in the huge side room which left the studio office feeling airy and clean but now that I must get down to vetting our articles for the next issue and finish the ones I’m writing, I have half unpacked boxes everywhere but like the necklace here, I will find a way to make it all work together. So forgive me if I am slow to answer emails and such–unpacking and getting a new issue ready makes for quite a chaotic time!
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