Happy Bugs
Here is another pretty and much less creepy insect to admire this week, as well as being one you can create for yourself with Stephanie Kilgast‘s instructions in this great video tutorial. Part caning, part sculptural, this tutorial actually has a lot of great ideas for all kinds of claying enthusiasts whether you like creepy crawlers or not.
Stephanie actually has quite a thing for happy bugs. In fact she has a whole line of them and other bug making video tutorials as well. Here is what she says about her Happy Bugs project:
“The happy bugs projects comes from a desire to sculpt happiness and not always focus on the desperate state of the world … I need that fresh breeze of joy and you might too. Happy because laughing makes us kinder too and bugs because insects are a treasure of beauty, colors and textures.”
I completely agree with her sentiment! Find more on bugs, food, and hybrid plant-animals on her colorful and quite happy website.
Inspirational Challenge of the Day: Just create something that makes you happy. Let this be a happiness filled weekend.
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