Bringing the Inside Out

“Every side of a piece of art should be considered.” I can’t remember who I first heard this sentiment from, just that it was while I was working on this very large canvas. It was the first time it occurred to me that even if a side isn’t seen by all people, someone will see it … the framer, gallery owner, probably the final owner if I was lucky enough to sell it. The painting may be presented face forward in an ideal setting but how the sides of the canvas are treated on the side, what message you leave on the back will make an impression of some sort on the viewer. So why not make an intentional impression?

This is even more relevant in craft and sculptural work, things that are walked around or handled. We’ve talked about the backs of jewelry here before and we will be discussing that in more depth in the Spring Issue of The Polymer Arts but it’s just as relevant in functional artwork. For instance, what do you usually do with the insides of containers?

I like that Karooart took the time to do something special with the inside of this vase. Granted, in this case, the inside will show more than most but, hey … not doing something with any portion that can be seen by the owner of the piece is a lost opportunity to really impress them, make them smile, and be remembered.



So how about it? Next time you work on a container, how about adding little excitement, a tiny surprise, some bit of delight to surprise and impress your customers with? It’s these tiny considerations that might make the difference between making that sale or not.




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