Black Kitties

Halloween is not all about the creepy stuff! Although they may have dark associations, black cats can be so adorable, right? It’s not about their color … the black cat has gotten a bad rap, just because some superstitious humans decided they represented bad luck. Poor kitties.

This crafter goes by Umay Designs, and nothing else (apparently this week is going to be about both dark and mysterious things!) but I did find out that she hails from Turkey. There is not a lot of information but her designs are interesting, and certain to inspire if you are still looking to whip up some appropriate Halloween adornment. I’m not sure there is any polymer clay in here, but hey, it’s still a cool piece and we get to talk kitties this week! For materials, she primarily lists resin, both cast and sculpted, so I am thinking it is something like two-part epoxy and casting resin. It could easily be done with just polymer though, but casting your sculptures after you’ve made a good piece to start with is a smart business decision.

So you can see if you’re inspired by any of her cool and creepy ideas by dropping by her Etsy shop or following her on Instagram.


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